
Toffee: Hello, you’ve made it to the history program of Toffee and the Gorilla. I came to talk about the highlights of the Jewish people—from times past until today. Today we will learn about the crucifixion of Yeshu. Have you heard about Yeshu?

Gorilla: I’ve heard he’s an honorable person.

Toffee: No, Yeshu was an enemy of the Jewish people. He attempted to convert us all into Christians. Although there are good Christians, to the Jew this is a terrible danger, a threat to the peace of the Jewish people.

Gorilla: I want to assimilate!

Toffee: Do you even know what it is to assimilate? It means to get f****d up with a goyah; this is something that neither me or you, obviously, want.

Gorilla: I want for my children to eat Toblerone and become goyim; I am bored here, Toffee! I want to live in Switzerland with a goyah and eat Toblerone all day long!

Toffee: Okay, darling, if you love Yeshu so much, then you will have to play Yeshu.

Toffee: I am Judas Iscariot.

Gorilla: And I am Yeshu. I want for you all to become Christians and eat pork and Toblerone and have fun! Do you, the viewers at home, want too?

Toffee: Because of this, I will crucify you! How dare you preach to the innocent Jews?

Gorilla: My God, why have you forsaken me?

Toffee: You are a Nazi, Yeshu, you are a Nazi!

Gorilla: Toffee! No, Toffee—I am scared! I walked on the water, I transformed crickets into cake. No! I am not Yeshu. This is a mistake. I am Moses, our teacher, do not thrust with nails…Toffee, no!

Toffee: It is only one, you coward…

Gorilla: Nooooo! Oh, Toffee…Oh God, no, aaahhhh! aaahhh! Ay ah, No, No, No….

Gorilla: No, ahhhhh!

Toffee: Oy vey.

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